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West Sacramento News-Ledger

What is Measure J?

Oct 13, 2022 12:00AM ● By By Seti Long, Gridley editor

GRIDLEY, CA (MPG) - Gridley Unified School District is preparing to have a series of community meetings about Measure J, a $16.3 million bond that would benefit the schools in our areas, primarily the high school.

Hosted by GUSD Superintendent Justin Kern and Gridley High School Principal, Rikki-Lee Burresch, two informational meetings will be held at the high school library on Monday, October 17th and October 24th, both starting at 5:30 pm.

The purpose of these meetings is to provide greater details on the 30-year bond the district is pursuing to enhance and upgrade existing facilities, with the potential addition of much needed classrooms, an indoor PE facility and multi-purpose room.

Residents with or without children in the school district are encouraged to attend and learn more about the initiative, how the bond will be dispersed, what areas of Gridley and Manzanita would be affected by this measure and further details on what the funds would be used for.

Measure J will be on the November ballot – come educate yourself on the measure before you vote!

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