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West Sacramento News-Ledger

SSHH & HART Announces Local Respite Centers Are Now Open

Feb 03, 2021 12:00AM ● By By Traci Rockefeller Cusack, T-Rock Communications

Local respite centers are now open and available to serve needy individuals and families. Photo: T-Rock Communications

SACRAMENTO REGION, CA (MPG) – Sacramento Self-Help Housing (SSHH) and HART (Homeless Assistance Resource Team) are proud to announce five local respite centers are now open and available to serve needy individuals and families throughout the area. The respite centers are offered and coordinated by HART with counseling and staffing support provided by Sacramento Self-Help Housing. While separate non-profit agencies, the mission of Sacramento Self-Help Housing and HART are in close alignment. The two organizations work collaboratively to assist those who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless by providing much needed services as well as finding and retaining stable and affordable housing.  

Staffed by dedicated volunteers, the respite centers are open to adults ages 18 and over (pets welcome) and offer a variety of valuable free services that can vary by location, such as: connection to mainstream services, snacks and/or hot meals (to-go), sense of community, safe and warm place to rest, phone/technology charging stations, complimentary water/coffee, mobile showers, and/or coat donations. While many locations have already been up and running for some time, the five respite centers currently open include the following:

Midtown HART Respite Center (1 location) – ongoing until further notice; Tuesdays: St. John’s Lutheran Church of Sacramento at 1701 L Street - Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Carmichael HART Respite Centers (3 locations) - through March 2; Tuesdays: Christ Community Church at 5025 Manzanita Avenue; Thursdays: Crossroads Church at 7100 Fair Oaks Blvd; Saturdays: Carmichael Presbyterian at 5645 Marconi Avenue

Hours: 8 a.m. to noon

For more information about HART, please visit or email [email protected]; for more about Sacramento Self-Help Housing, please call 916- 508-7616 or visit

Sacramento Self-Help Housing assists local homeless individuals and families worried about losing their housing to find and retain stable and affordable housing. The not-for-profit organization provides resources such as free housing counseling services and homeless outreach navigation and shared housing option for those without sufficient income to rent a unit by themselves. In addition, Sacramento Self-Help Housing reaches out to local homeless men and women living in camps in local communities to assess their needs and, whenever possible, refer them to available mental health services, medical care, financial aid, and shelter and housing options. For more, visit or call 916-341-0593.